Kinyan Horaah, the renowned Halacha breakthrough, hosted a highly anticipated event in Boro Park. With esteemed poskim and dayanim of Kinyan Horaah in attendance, the launch of the Halacha Shiurim series drew a large crowd of enthusiastic participants seeking to deepen their understanding of Kinyan Horaah and the upcoming shiurim.
The event attracted a beautiful crowd of attendees eager to engage, listen, and learn about the Kinyan Horaah program, demonstrating a strong desire within the community for Torah knowledge.
The event not only offered an opportunity for learning but also fostered a sense of unity and camaraderie among like-minded individuals. Attendees were able to connect with others who share a passion for Halacha study.
Kinyan Horaah's launch also signaled its commitment to ongoing Shiurim in many aspects. Attendees were introduced to upcoming programs and initiatives.
The overwhelming success of this inaugural event reflects the community's thirst for knowledge and Kinyan Horaah's dedication to promoting Halacha scholarship. The organization's Halacha Shiurim series has set the stage for future educational opportunities and the growth of a vibrant community of Torah scholars in Boro Park.
As Kinyan Horaah continues to expand its offerings and reach, it promises to be a valuable resource for individuals seeking to delve into the depths of Halacha, nurturing a strong foundation of Halacha learning within the Boro Park community.
די חשובע משתתפים אין די חבורות פון איסור והיתר זענען געגאנגען צו צוויי גרויסע בתי שחיטה אין ניו יארק, מיטצוהאלטן און צוזעהן פון דער נאנט די אלע הלכות וואס מ'האט נארוואס קונה געוועהן.
קנין הוראה צוזאמען מיט בארימטע בית הוראה לעניני ריבית - ברית פינחס בראשות הרה"ג ר' פנחס ווינד שליט"א